Brake Handle Replacement (Hydraulic)
It is recommended to only replace the brake handle if the handle has been damaged from a crash or the brakes do not perform adequately even when bled. Bleed the brakes after performing a brake handle replacement.
Required Equipment
- 4 mm Allen Wrench
- 8 mm Wrench
- Brake Handle Bracket - Remove the 2 screws on the brake handle bracket with a 4 mm Allen to pull the brake handle off the handlebar.

- Brake Handle Removal - Unplug the brake sensor connector by pulling it apart firmly on each side of the connector. Pull back the rubber cover on the brake line and fully loosen the screw all the way with an 8 mm wrench or an adjustable crescent.

- Handle Replacement - With the brake line screw removed and slid back on the line twist and pull the brake handle off the brake line. Remove the screw on the new brake handle, push the brake line firmly into the new brake handle and tighten the brake line screw back into the brake handle to secure the brake line.

- Brake Handle Bracket - Reinstall the brake handle onto the handlebar with a 4 mm Allen.

- Brake Bleeding - Follow the brake bleeding guide to properly bleed the brake with the new handle installed.
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